How To be Friendly and Stop Annoying People on Social Media
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Let me guess. YOU started your social media account to be, well, SOCIAL. Then, likely, you noticed an increasing amount of people using it for business. Some were ONLY using it for business and they posted over and over their websites for you to buy whatever it was they were selling? Sound familiar? How did you feel about that? What did you think of HOW they did that? I know, for me, I thought it was in bad taste.
And then.. I joined my business! And I wanted to plaster my information everywhere, I was just so excited! But then I remembered what I thought about my friends who did that, so I refrained and decided that since I was in this business to do business, I needed to invest in my training. I searched and found a great fit. I like to share what I’ve learned so that YOU can struggle less and DO more. If you are struggling with balancing your Social Media use between your personal use and your business, you might find today’s tip helpful.
Did you find that helpful? I truly hope that you did, and you can share these tips with your teams. If you have any specific questions or situations that I can help you with, either leave it in the comments or reach out to me.
Let’s DO this!
Skype: Dianna.goodskyhertig
P.S. If you want to learn from the same amazing people I learned from, you can always check out “my favorites” tab or I have featured links on my side bar that you can check out as well.