How writing affects your results and obtain goals
How writing affects your results? Have you ever noticed that if you have a goal that you want to achieve or if you just want to take care of business, any business, whether it’s making sure you go to the grocery store or writing your homework, doing your homework assignment, anything like that, writing things down actually causes you to remember.
The thing about it is, it actually makes you think, and that’s the key to changing your results.
So here’s how this works….
The Power of Writing
When you write something down, whether it’s a goal or something that you want to accomplish, or a to do list, here’s how the mechanism that’s actually working. Your writing causes you to think. Your thinking then creates an image in your head about why or how you can get it done, or exactly what you want.
Let me backtrack. This is especially powerful when you’re doing things like affirmations, okay?
So let’s go deep into the affirmations, not just goal setting, not just to do list, let’s go deep into affirmations and how this can work for you.
So your writing down your affirmation creates or causes you to think about it, okay? This thinking then creates an image. When you can create an image in your head about exactly it is that you’re working towards, whatever it is that you’re working towards, working on, when you create that image in your head, what happens then is those images create feelings.
You start to get excited about it, or you start to feel settled in the fact that, “Oh gosh, I am really going to become a nurse, I am really going to help people!” Whatever those feelings are, created from that image. But the image can then, you know, they control your feelings.
From there, your feelings about it start to cause actions, and those actions that are generated, create new results. So I’m going to run through this very quickly, but give you an example. You know, I’ve been working with the kids on helping them with their mindset and helping them see the power of their mind, which is, oh my gosh, what a beautiful gift to give these children, right?
The power of their mind and how they can change a result.
So one of the kids has a pretty lofty goal of wanting to get something that costs a lot of money. So what we did was, we did the goal setting. We all wrote down our list of wants. Then out of that list they chose a goal. This particular goal requires a lot of money. So the writing down of this goal caused him to think about what it would be like to have this thing.
His goal is, he wants to buy his own computer. So he started imagining what it would be like to have his own computer. That image in his head creates feelings of excitement and looking forward to it, and then it’s starting to create actions. Last night we came up with a game plan for how to make some money, how they can earn some money, in order to buy the computer.
So we’re going to take those actions, and then that result is that they’re going to be able to earn enough money to buy a computer. I really believe that. It’s pretty fantastic.
The Power of Affirmations
So that’s how that works. The power of your affirmations, the power of writing it down, writing creates new results, it starts a chain reaction. When you take these steps, you write it down, it causes your thinking, your thinking creates an image, your image controls your feelings about what it is that you want, and then your feelings cause you to take the actions, and it’s your actions that create a new result. Isn’t that fabulous?
Oh my gosh, so fabulous!
Thanks so much for reading this post. If you know anyone who wants to create different results in their life, share this post and video.
I can definitely teach you how to do things differently, how to change your mindset, and basically how to accomplish anything you want in your life.
If you do what I tell you to do, I can help you do that. How awesome is that?
You are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!
To YOUR Success,
Dianna Good Sky’s Blog
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