Have you unleashed your inner game?


I just saw an article that said something about unleash … I don’t even know. Something about your inner game. And I just thought, what is inner game anyway?

And then I read it, because it was a little intriguing. I want to talk to you a little bit about what it means to me when I hear somebody say inner game. What it means and how to get into the inner game. How to release that inner game inside of you. I thought it was an important topic to talk to you about todayand how you can get to your inner game.

But first, let’s talk about what that means.





In the article she mentioned a couple of things that I totally agree with. She mentioned self sabotage and procrastination. And how these two factors can really affect your ability to get into your inner game and to really figure out how to accomplish everything that you want to accomplish in your life. That is was I believe is what your inner game is, what do you really want in life. And it doesn’t matter what you really want. What matters is, are you going for it?


Let’s have a conversation about procrastination.


inner gameI believe that procrastination is rampant anytime that we’re a little bit fearful or we’re not exactly sure that we’re going in the direction that we want to. Or maybe we really think that we want to go toward something, but we’re not exactly sure how it’s going to work out. That make us a little worried. It makes us a little afraid.

One of my mentors, Bob Proctor, calls that the terror barrier. And this particular article talked about procrastination being that it’s a self sabotaging method of procrastinating. And I get that. I agree with that completely. Have you ever noticed Nike commercials, they say just do it. The reason that appeals to us is because it give us a little bit of oomph that, yeah, I can just do it. I can just do it. I can just do it.


The other piece of it is confidence.


And how do you build confidence?

In order to get past the procrastination and just do it, you have to have the confidence in knowing that you can do it. The only way to do that is to take the actual action. It sounds like a vicious cycle, but really it’s not. Really it’s a matter of, are you willing to do what you need to do to get whatever it is that you want to get?

And are you able to perform the functions?

If something comes up and you have to kind of say to yourself, alright, well, I m able to get this done. I may not have done it before, but I’m willing to learn and I’m willing to do it. Then that knowledge actually helps you get into the groove that, alright, I can do it. It helps you get past your comfort zone. It helps you actually take the steps necessary and be like Nike, and just do it.

Those things have to happen in order to get inside your inner game.

You have to be able to believe in yourself that you can do it. And the only way that you can get to that belief is by actually taking the action that allows you to say, hey, you know what, I did it. Whatever it is. Whatever your trying to pursue. Phone calls, talking to a stranger about your product, talking to somebody about your program, anything. Taking the job application for your dream job and filling it out.


Is taking action the key to finding your inner game?


Taking action is the key that helps build the confidence that helps build a faith that helps you not sabotage yourself and helps you get rid of the procrastination, because you know you can do it. That’s all these actions that help release your inner game or really in my words I’d rather say:

your greatness inside of you, your awesomeness inside of you. That’s what it really takes.

I just want to wish you to the very end!

Because you know you are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!

To YOUR Success,


Email: Dianna@DiannaGoodSky.com

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