So what do you want in life – Do you have it figured out?


How are you on this what looks to be a beautiful Memorial Day? Remember the fallen. I am a vet. I appreciate when you say thank you. I really do. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance. Okay, so that’s my little tip for today. My morning mojo.

You know I was listening to a recording of a seminar done actually quite a few years ago. And the person running the seminar had a really good point. And he talked about, when most people really think about what they want in life, they don’t really want to be wealthy. They really want to be worry free.

They don’t want to, and I don’t know where you are in this category. I think that sometimes when we’re younger, especially, it’s easy to say, “Oh, I want to be a millionaire.” Not really knowing what that means. Because I think with great wealth comes great responsibility.

But you know, the notion that he had about living a worry free life. You know, if your car breaks down, not worrying about whether you can fix it, or buy a new one. If your grandchildren need braces, not worrying about if you can help them out and pay for them if your children can’t, or whatever it is that you feel like contributing.

And so really, that struck home with me, and I thought, that struck a chord with me, and I thought, you know, that’s a conversation to have. Because what if, then, instead of people promising wealth in whatever they’re doing, what if we talked about less worry?

Watch the following video to find out my take on this topic…




The ability to have more freedom is key


what do you want in lifeThe ability to have more freedom. Freedom in time and freedom in money. And I think that’s the key. So when you wonder about, you know, where do you want to go in your life, is it that you want to be multi-billionaire? Or is it that I want to make sure I have freedom of choice? And I really like that one. I like not worrying about anything and I like having freedom of choice. So and I think that that’s admirable.

And also, there’s nothing wrong with money. Don’t get me wrong. But because if you look at the majority of people in the world, 80% of them or more are basically just doing what they think they have to do. And it’s because they’re trying to pay their bills and they’re trying to just get their things taken care of.

They’re trying to not worry. You know? So that’s just a little thought for the day. And I wanted to, I labeled it “morning mojo” because it’s in the morning, and I don’t usually do these videos in the morning, but I wanted to tell you that.

You know, there’s a way to get exactly what you want. Anything that you want in your life, whatever that want is.

You can get results by taking certain, by making certain changes, by creating certain habits. And I just want to encourage you that whatever it is that you want, whether that’s wealth or worry free, I want to encourage you to just go after it. It really and truly can be done, whatever it is, I just want you to know you can do it.

Make a decision, do some research, shoot, look on YouTube, contact me, whatever. But I just want to encourage you to go after exactly what it is. I don’t know your “it”. I don’t know what your “that” is. But I do know that we all owe it to ourselves to become the absolute best that we can be.

So I want you to do that. Just because I want you to do that. Because you should. You should. You were given amazing gifts. And I just want you to live in them. We all should live in purpose.

You are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!

To YOUR Success,




Dianna Good Sky’s Blog


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