Hey everyone! I know it has been a little while since I’ve posted an author update, but clearly that’s because I’ve been so busy working on my new book Warrior Spirit Rising!

When people see the title and the cover, it may seem appealing to them. But the first thing they’re going to do when they find themselves on Amazon is look at the reviews. They need a little guidepost to decide if they want to invest their time in reading. And this story is important. It needs to reach more people.

If you have already read the book and left a review, thank you! This means so much to us.

Also, you have likely noticed my website looks a little different! We’ve been working hard on updating it. My sister in law, Mel Good Sky, who is also the photographer for the book cover, has been working behind the scenes to re-do everything to reflect the new direction I’m taking with authoring. If you have time to poke around on the new website, let us know if you have any suggestions! We’ll be sharing more of my culture and activities as well as updates on the next book, Blue Eyed Chippewa, that I’m currently working on.

If you’ve read Warrior Spirit Rising, you may recall how, when my dad was in the Navy, he took us home every September for ricing season. Because ricing season coincides with the beginning of the school year, we would actually start school in Nett Lake every year because we spent the first month there with him while he was ricing. Dad would save up his leave every year – in the Navy you get 30 days of leave. He would take the full 30 days in Minnesota so we could go home for ricing.

That is how important this culturally significant time is for us. So I’m going home for ricing this year. My dad wants me to paddle him around in the canoe. He told me to start lifting weights to get my arms ready for all of that hard work. So we’re going to document all of it! The next newsletter you see in your inbox will be more about ricing. It will have photographs and video and we’ll share it here on the blog as well. Sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss it!

I really can’t wait to share this with you. We’ll be diving deeper into the Anishinaabe culture and show you the world of Nett Lake, Minnesota. Nett Lake has the finest wild rice in the world, just so you know.

Oh! One more thing. Several people have reached out to me asking where they can get the book locally. If you’re in Northern Minnesota, you’re in luck. You can find copies of the book at T. Pattenn’s cafe in Orr. Rustic Railings has them for sale. Richardson’s Resort also has them for sale. I recently got a call from the Bois Forte Heritage Center and they are also going to carry the book! I am so grateful for all of these guys!

That’s it for this author update. Don’t forget! These reviews are super important, so if you have a couple minutes, your words will make such a difference. Thank you everyone!