How To Work On Your Self Image

Self Image for Kids


I wanted to post today about self-image because I don’t know if you’ve been following along, but we’ve been doing kids mindset training and it’s actually day 30 on their mindset training and I’ve stated before their remarkable progress that we’ve been seeing just spending 30 minutes a day, sometimes longer like tonight because it was the end of the first 30 days.

We have just started a new topic and our new topic for this next 30 days is about self-image and I want to tell a story about a farmer that I just heard. It’s funny because you think, “What does a farmer have to do with self-image?” Well, I’m going to tell you what a farmer has to do with self-image.

Click play on the video to hear me tell the story…




I Can Help You Work On Your Self Image


If you haven’t visited my blog before, my name is Dianna Good Sky and I like to help entrepreneurs, well anyone actually, I like to help anyone get into their best life, get into the best mindset to create the life you love and to create your own #beautiFULLife. That’s what I like to do and we’ve been experimenting, I’ve been teaching the children how to do some of the same things that I’ve used for success and it’s just remarkable.

Tonight, the story of the farmer has to do with self image and self-image is how you see yourself?

Apparently, the story goes that a farmer was out doing his thing in his field. It was a pumpkin patch and the pumpkin patch, he found a jug in the middle of the pumpkin patch and that he decided just for whatever, grins and giggles I guess you could say. He decided for grins and giggles just to put the pumpkin, the small pumpkin that had started growing inside the jug.

He was very careful not to make sure or to make sure that he did not mess up the vine so it could still grow. Here it is. Time passed. I don’t know how long it takes to grow a pumpkin, but time passed and when he came across the jug, the pumpkin had literally grown inside that glass jug to the exact shape and form that the jug was so the pumpkin instead of being round and pretty and whatever, it was the shape of the jug.

self imageSelf image is like that. Our self-image is all about what do we see ourselves as and that is exactly what we become. Whatever we see ourselves as, whatever we think of ourselves as, that is exactly what we grow into and that is exactly what we become. If we have limited self image, if we have limiting beliefs about who we are or can be, that self image actually we grow into just that.

It’s really important to be very mindful about what your self image is so that you can … Because you have control over that. The difference between that glass jug and that pumpkin and our self-image is that we can change our self-image and we can adapt and adjust and overcome anything we want to create a new self image.

What we did with the kids is first we identified what we think about ourselves.

  • What characteristics?
  • What traits do we have?
  • What do we think of ourselves?

and then what we did, we did an exercise about how to … Who can we think of, that maybe has the traits that we want in ourselves or that we want to grow.

Who do we want to be and I talked to them … I talked about copying it. Copying a trait, a personally trait or character trait, if it’s what allows you to grow into the person that you want to be, that’s not saying you’re copying that person exactly.

That’s not saying like, “Oh, I want to be like Oprah Winfrey exactly.”

No, you probably just have a few points about Oprah that you might want to emulate, very different from just copying, but you do want to emulate those character traits. Being able to identify which character trait from who is important to you is the first step in starting to grow into your new self image.

If you spend some time, let’s pick a character trait of Oprah in that she’s impactful. Her work is impactful, is important or say let’s pick somebody less … Say you want to be a positive thinker. Say you want to make good decisions. Who do you know that makes good swift decisions? Then you can say to yourself, “Okay, I want John Doe’s decision making process or his etc … I want to make decisions like John Doe.”

You see?

Whatever those character traits are that you want, you can then help yourself become like that by revisiting daily, this is what we’re going to do for the next 30 days, revisiting daily the image that we’ve created, that we want … Look, it doesn’t have to be just one. The kids aren’t doing one, but if you’re going to do this and I want to encourage you to do it, identify traits of people that you admire and respect.

If there’s four different traits from four different people, alive or dead, it doesn’t matter, but that you know enough that is what you want to be like or you want to have those traits, then write those down and then take some time and then act as if you already have those traits. Act as if you already have those traits because that is what allows us to really get into the, “How do I become exactly who I want to become?”

I want to reiterate here. You’ve probably heard this saying before, but you cannot accomplish anything on mere hopes and wishes and dreams. You have to really believe that you can. The first step to believing that you can do anything or that you can become the person that you want to become or do the things you want to, comes with the knowledge and the decision that that’s what you’re going to do.

Follow it up with creating new habits that allow you to then move forward in creating the habits and moving forward into exactly what you were wanting to accomplish or exactly who you wanted to be like so that you could then accomplish them. Does that make sense? I want to encourage you to really pay attention to what your self image is.

Take some time. Write a whole lot of things … Write as many things as you can down to what is my self-image, but who do I want to become?

Who do I really want to be like and take some time identifying who is like that that you might be able to emulate and then visualize yourself.


self image


Those are the three steps.


Identify who has it and then visualize yourself being like that that you wanted. You can change your personality. You can change your whole demeanor depending on doing that every day, imagining every chance you get. If you want to be a speaker on a stage, every chance you get you imagine yourself just, “I’m there. I’m changing people’s lives.” Can you tell that’s mine?

If you want to be an author, imagine signing books like one of your most revered author friends or people that you know or admire. If you want to be an actor or an actress, imagine yourself a comedian, imagine yourself being like Jim Carrey. Whatever it is, whoever it is, take the time and start imagining yourself being in that position, having those traits and soon you will find that you have adopted the same things that they have that you want.

That my friends is creating your self image to be able to accomplish and do anything that you want according to what you’re thinking about. Thank you for reading my blog today and If you know anyone that might be able to use a message on self image or if you just want to share this post I totally appreciate it.

You are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!

To YOUR Success,




Dianna Good Sky’s Blog


P.S. Don’t forget to take the plunge and join in on the live stream fun by downloading your FREE Facebook Live Checklist simple CLICK HERE to get yours now!


Hows Your Stinkin Thinkin?

How Does Your Stinkin Thinkin Affect Your Success?


Stinkin Thinkin is today’s topic and it’s funny because I honestly did not realize that I had an issue with money. I didn’t realize the depth of how my stinking thinking, that’s what my dad calls it, how that actually affected my success until recently.

Thanks for coming over to my blog today, I want to share with you some tips that I’ve learned about my mind, about how the mind works and possibly hopefully help you understand that it is your stinkin thinkin that is really what’s preventing you from having major success.

Tune into my video below to learn more…




Can Your Stinkin Thinkin Stop You From Accomplishing Your Goals?


Did you know or do you agree that anyone can accomplish anything they want to be in this life? They can do anything they want. They really can. But somewhere along the way, things happen.

We get tripped up in life or we have to have security so we don’t want to take chances and things happen. We really do. So what I want to talk to you about first is, I’m just going to address how my dad calls it stinkin thinkin.

I’m talking about stinkin thinkin about money because it’s really been amazing, really been a huge eye opener to me. My dad used to call stinkin thinkin any kind of negative thought pattern especially if he heard it, if somebody verbalized something then he would talk to us about getting rid of that stinkin thinkin.

thinkin stinkinNow, I want to tell you about the studying that I’ve been doing under the mentor of Bob Proctor, I don’t know if you’ve heard of him from The Secret, but he has studied the mind and how the subconscious works and the conscious works. It’s really deep stuff. I don’t need to get into that in this post, but I will tell you this that the stinkin thinkin about money really affects our level of success, even when we don’t recognize that it even exists.

So then, how do we address it?

You say. I get that. Because it wasn’t until I really dug deep down and realized that I had everything in me. There’s lots of trainers out here. There’s lots of coaches out everywhere in the world. I’ve realized, I was like, “Why am not having the same of massive success as everybody else?”

I don’t know if you’ve noticed that or been in that situation where you look around you and you go, “I’ve got the same kind of skills. Why is that skillset not allowing me to have the success that other people have?” Some people call that comparititis but I really think it’s actually more of wondering because you do recognize it, because it’s probably true.

So what happened for me and I hope this helps somebody, is that when I started really thinking about why I don’t have the level of success that other people have, and again, success can be anything that you are working on. Whether it’s success of making an apple pie, whether it’s success in buying a car that you want, whether it’s a success in being a course developer, whatever it is, your success to you is what we’re talking about.

But I realized that, oh my gosh, it’s because people in my circle especially growing up and my dad back then was one of them, that there’s such a negative aura or negative connotation with people who have money.

You hear things all the time like, “Oh well, they’re rich. They don’t care about us.” So untrue.

You hear other things like, “Well, only the rich get this.” That’s not true either.

I mean, even the movie Titanic, look at how poorly the rich people were represented. So throughout history almost, the rich have been given a bad rap. So money, it’s so normal. People let it fly off their tongue nowadays. It’s so easy to say. “Well, you’ll only get good healthcare if you’re rich.”

Well, how about you do something to earn enough money to get it? You don’t have to be rich to have good healthcare.

That might piss some people off but the reality is that money is just an energy. Money is energy, that’s all it is. It comes and it goes. It’s like current. If you plug in an electric plug, you get electricity.

Money is the same way. If you do something to earn money, you get paid for it. Very, very simple. Very, very simple.

Once I realized that and realize that combined with that money is just an energy and then realized also that the words that I heard not only from my surroundings growing up but also from movies and how bad rich people were, once I realized all that, then I was able to kind of say, “You know what, money is all it is, is an energy and I should and I do deserve to get paid for the value I put out in the marketplace.”

No matter what value it is, you deserve to be paid for value in the marketplace. If you create a product, you deserve to be paid for that. If you have a skillset that you can teach others, you deserve to be paid for that. There’s just nothing wrong with it. I’m pretty passionate about it now because I have.

My mindset as far as thinking about being deserving and it’s crazy how that works but I just want to encourage you that if you are not making the kind of money that you want to make or if you are thinking that only people who are rude and nasty and make good money, I want you to examine that. I just want you to take some time and examine money and think about the stinkin thinkin.

It’s not just about money. So your success in whatever endeavor, whatever you’re endeavoring to do, your success, I want you to really think about, “What am I doing? Am I doing the right things that I need to or am I allowing negative thoughts to get in the way, that stinkin thinkin to get in the way of my success?”


stinkin thinkin


If you want to bake an apple pie and apples are not in season and you don’t have a car to go to the grocery store, well, those are obstacles and all you have to do is figure out a way around them. No matter what you’re trying to succeed at is my point. You must figure out a way to get through it, okay, that’s it.

Feel free to share this post or even subscribe to get notifications when I go live on Facebook. I talk about all things mindset and I try to help people with their mindset and that’s what we do here at Dianna Goodsky.

So I hoped you are planning to change your stinkin thinkin and start having the success you deserve. Any remember…

You are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!

To YOUR Success,




Dianna Good Sky’s Blog


How to Master your Inner Game

Have you unleashed your inner game?


I just saw an article that said something about unleash … I don’t even know. Something about your inner game. And I just thought, what is inner game anyway?

And then I read it, because it was a little intriguing. I want to talk to you a little bit about what it means to me when I hear somebody say inner game. What it means and how to get into the inner game. How to release that inner game inside of you. I thought it was an important topic to talk to you about todayand how you can get to your inner game.

But first, let’s talk about what that means.





In the article she mentioned a couple of things that I totally agree with. She mentioned self sabotage and procrastination. And how these two factors can really affect your ability to get into your inner game and to really figure out how to accomplish everything that you want to accomplish in your life. That is was I believe is what your inner game is, what do you really want in life. And it doesn’t matter what you really want. What matters is, are you going for it?


Let’s have a conversation about procrastination.


inner gameI believe that procrastination is rampant anytime that we’re a little bit fearful or we’re not exactly sure that we’re going in the direction that we want to. Or maybe we really think that we want to go toward something, but we’re not exactly sure how it’s going to work out. That make us a little worried. It makes us a little afraid.

One of my mentors, Bob Proctor, calls that the terror barrier. And this particular article talked about procrastination being that it’s a self sabotaging method of procrastinating. And I get that. I agree with that completely. Have you ever noticed Nike commercials, they say just do it. The reason that appeals to us is because it give us a little bit of oomph that, yeah, I can just do it. I can just do it. I can just do it.


The other piece of it is confidence.


And how do you build confidence?

In order to get past the procrastination and just do it, you have to have the confidence in knowing that you can do it. The only way to do that is to take the actual action. It sounds like a vicious cycle, but really it’s not. Really it’s a matter of, are you willing to do what you need to do to get whatever it is that you want to get?

And are you able to perform the functions?

If something comes up and you have to kind of say to yourself, alright, well, I m able to get this done. I may not have done it before, but I’m willing to learn and I’m willing to do it. Then that knowledge actually helps you get into the groove that, alright, I can do it. It helps you get past your comfort zone. It helps you actually take the steps necessary and be like Nike, and just do it.

Those things have to happen in order to get inside your inner game.

You have to be able to believe in yourself that you can do it. And the only way that you can get to that belief is by actually taking the action that allows you to say, hey, you know what, I did it. Whatever it is. Whatever your trying to pursue. Phone calls, talking to a stranger about your product, talking to somebody about your program, anything. Taking the job application for your dream job and filling it out.


Is taking action the key to finding your inner game?


Taking action is the key that helps build the confidence that helps build a faith that helps you not sabotage yourself and helps you get rid of the procrastination, because you know you can do it. That’s all these actions that help release your inner game or really in my words I’d rather say:

your greatness inside of you, your awesomeness inside of you. That’s what it really takes.

I just want to wish you to the very end!

Because you know you are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!

To YOUR Success,




Dianna Good Sky’s Blog


P.S. Don’t forget to take the plunge and join in on the live stream fun by downloading your FREE Facebook Live Checklist simple CLICK HERE to get yours now!

Do You Have Decision Freedom?

Do you have decision freedom?


Do you know what decision freedom is? Decision freedom is the ability to make any decision you want no matter what area of life you’re talking about. Whether it’s to take a vacation, whether it’s to take a day off from work, whether it’s to home school your children, that is decision freedom, my friends.

I was really compelled to write this post to talk about what it’s like to have this decision freedom and how do you get there. What does a person do in their life to have decision freedom. I want to just share with you a couple of things that I’ve learned about how I’ve managed to get there and I’m not fully there yet.

I’m not sure, I do know this, that the ability to make the decisions that I want to really actually come from within and that matter what area of life you’re talking about, to be able to have decision freedom, starts from with inside of you where you just make that split second decision of yes, I’m going to do this, not matter what this is.

If you decide that you want to take a trip to Italy because you’ve always wanted to go to Italy, that decision happens as soon as you decide. If it’s your gut instinct that you’ve got to go to Italy, you need to make that decision.

And then, here’s what happens, when you make that decision, everything falls into place. It’s really remarkable. Did you know that you’re one decision away from a whole new life? You’re one decision away from a new job, you’re one decision away from a relationship or whether you’re going to stay in a relationship or whether you’re going to leave the relationship.

I mean, all of your life changes are based on all these decisions.

And so, how you get to decision freedom, the ability to do anything you want in your life, boils down to how you handle all of these other decisions. These decisions whether you want to go to the gym and get in better shape, make that decision and do it.

Whether you want to write a book and publish it and just do it. Whether you want to make your marriage better by having date nights, all of these things are decisions that happen, that are daily. Every single day, you make daily decisions and they end up leading you, when you’re ready for it, to decision freedom.

I invite you to watch my following video where I explain how having decision freedom can really impact your life!




So how do you get to having decision freedom?


You simply, and I say simply, it’s simple, but it’s not easy just like so many things in life, simple, but not easy. When it comes time to make a decision, you really have to do think about, “Okay, exactly what do I want to do with this? What do I want to do with this relationship? What do I want to do with this job? What do I want to do with this family member who keeps dragging me down?”

Whatever that is, or “This child who’s having trouble in school and I can’t seem to get them to want to listen to the teacher,” you know, what can I do about that? All these things, every single day you’re faced with so many decisions and it’s those decisions that really carve out your life and who you are and how you handle it.

Soon, what I hope that means for you is that all those decisions that are daily, that are simple to make, but hard to make, if that makes any kind of sense, you have to do it, you have to decide. Let me backtrack a little bit, the longer a person waits to make a decision about something, the harder it becomes.

decision freedomIf you are waffling on making a decision, that actually means that you probably know the answer, but you’re not comfortable with that the decision is going to be. If that’s going on, that’s actually when you know you’re on the right track because if you’re facing a big decision and you’re feeling a little uncomfortable with it, that probably means you’re facing what’s known as the terror barrier.

When you face up with that terror barrier, most often, people will kind of backtrack and say, “I can’t go that route. That’s a decision that I can’t make. Now I don’t know if I can follow through with that.” That means you’re kind of afraid, but I will tell you, that if you’re facing a decision that makes you afraid and you understand that that decision or that terror barrier is coming up against you and that’s why you’re waffling, then that means that you’re probably on the right track, you can understand what’s happening, and you can just push through that terror barrier and then freedom stands on the other side of that.

Your freedom is on the other side of that wall.

All of these decisions then, will eventually lead you to, and it may happen you know next month, next year, three years, whatever, but soon when you build up the understanding of what’s going on every time it comes to making the decision, then you can get to the other side and you can have decision freedom because you understand what’s making you afraid, and you understand that you can plow through it and you’re fine.

So thank you so much for reading this post and I want to encourage all of you to think about this, do I have decision freedom, am I able to decide to do anything that I want to do? And if you don’t, please consider that every single decision you make, can and will lead you there.


Go towards decision freedom, it’s where everything awesome is!


If you have friends or family that need to have decision freedom in their life too, then please go ahead and share this post and also leave a comment and tell me your thoughts.

and remember….

You are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!

To YOUR Success,




Dianna Good Sky’s Blog


P.S. Don’t forget to take the plunge and join in on the live stream fun by downloading your FREE Facebook Live Checklist simple CLICK HERE to get yours now!


Living in your Purpose with Confidence

Are you living in your purpose fully?

Have you heard the story about the messenger?

I just heard this story the other day and it really touched me because I loved the message of it and I want to share that with you today. It’s a message about purpose actually. I want to talk to you about living in your purpose because that is my passion, sharing how to grow into your best self, how to live in purpose, live your life on purpose. The story of the messenger, which apparently came from Mary a third party, I have not yet found the original source.

The story is about the messenger who’s only job was to give the king a message, one message, one job.

Now here’s what happened. Apparently the messenger had a long journey and on this journey he decided to stop and visit the market and then he stopped to socialize with friends and then he stopped and decided to lay bricks for a little while, do you see the drift here? He had one job, his whole job was to take his message to the king. Now what he did along the way was got distracted, diverted and never made it to the king with the one message, because he was distracted all the time.

How does that fit into purpose and living in your purpose?

I’ll tell you. Isn’t that the same thing? If you are not living in your purpose, in the thing that you are supposed to do in your life here, aren’t you the same as that messenger, continually allowing distractions and diversions to get in the way of the things that you’re, what you’re supposed to be doing. A lot of us call it, some of us have a job that we’re not exactly fit in with.

Some of us are doing something that it doesn’t exactly wake us up and make us smile, or we smile instantly because we are living our life in our true purpose.

Watch my video to hear the whole story…




I encourage you to start living in your purpose


living in your purposeI just want to encourage you, take a moment and think, am I doing exactly what I want to be doing in my life? Am I living in my purpose?

Think about that. I guarantee you if you pause and reflect on that you will find insight into yourself and if you have determined that you are not living in your purpose, you know how old I was when I stopped saying I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up? I was in my 50’s, it’s normal. Take that moment and I want to encourage you, please reflect on what you’re doing and if you are not completely 100 percent certain that you are living in your purpose, please do something about it.

The world deserves your true gift, whatever that is. Please start living in your purpose, it’s important for us and for you. That’s my message for this post today, and I would love it if you shared this post, subscribe to my notifications too so you don’t miss out on any latest posts.

I love helping people and giving tips and hows too’s. I hoped you have learned more about living in your purpose and I encourage you to start doing so today.


You are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!

To YOUR Success,




Dianna Good Sky’s Blog


P.S. Don’t forget to take the plunge and join in on the live stream fun by downloading your FREE Facebook Live Checklist simple CLICK HERE to get yours now!


Are You Playing Big? – In Business and in Life!

Are you playing big or small in life?

Hello. How are you? Are you playing big? Do you even know what means?

I mean, I think playing big means different things for different people. In the following video we’re gonna talk about whether you’re playing big, or should you play big? What does it even mean for people?

I want to talk to you about playing big, should you have to, do you need to, and what does it even mean? I have found that through the years, people say, “Oh, they’re playing big, or they’ve got to play big, or you’ve got to play big,” and I think that a lot of people’s definition of playing big is making a lot of money. I think that that is extremely off-base, and let me tell you why…

Please take a moment to watch the following video so I can explain.



Playing Big is different to everyone

Playing big should be about really doing everything that you know you should be doing in order to get where you want to go. The end result could be anything from climbing Mount Everest, to kayaking across the Atlantic ocean, to getting up every single day and taking care of your sick mother. Playing big is different for everyone. When I don’t want you feel bad if your definition of playing big is different than other people because you’re who you are and what you do is what’s important. It doesn’t matter about money, it doesn’t matter about doing something that no one else has done. It just doesn’t matter.

I just would like to take this time and encourage you to completely be doing whatever “big” thing that you want to do. Whatever that means for you.

My definition of playing big, or when I feel like I’m playing big, and honestly it took me a long time to get here. I used to think that playing big was about the money for awhile, for a long time, and then I grew up, and then I grew older, and soon I realized that playing big for me was about absolutely realizing what my purpose was here on earth. That’s a big deal, right?

playing bigFor a lot of us, how many times have you said, “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up?” How many times have you said that? Every time you say that to yourself, “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up,” you cause a little bit of, “What do I want to be?” This is for me, anyway. How come I don’t know? I’m 55 years old. How do I not know what I want to be when I grow up? Oh my gosh, that was kind of a hard pill to swallow.

When I finally realized it, and it came after lots of study, lots of reflection, lots of kind of just trying to figure things out. It came to me one morning, and it was a huge epiphany, and it feels kind of silly for spending so much time worrying about it, but here’s what I think most of us are put on this earth to do. I think most of us are put on this earth to help others with whatever gifts that we have, I believe it’s our job, our purpose, our whole purpose, is to help other people.

If you’re playing big, and you’re helping people, the other way that you can help people is by showing children in kindergarten, teaching kindergartens how to tie their shoes, guess what? You’re playing big. For others, their gift may be that they teach foreign languages, or languages to people. It could be anything. Do you see my point though?

Your playing big has all and everything to do with what you were put on this earth to do. Your purpose. To help others.

However that definition fits you, that’s when you’re playing big, when you’re stepping into your purpose, when you’re stepping into what you should be doing on this earth.

Thank you very much to all you kindergarten teachers, to all you nurses, teachers, firefighters, military, all of you who are helping others in any way you can, because that’s what your purpose is and Congratulations for that!

If you want to share this post on playing big, feel free.

You are awesome. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I know that, and I want you to know that about you too!

To YOUR Success,




Dianna Good Sky’s Blog


P.S. Don’t forget to take the plunge and join in on the live stream fun by downloading your FREE Facebook Live Checklist simple CLICK HERE to get yours now!