Facebook Live can now broadcast in Landscape! Yay!



I am excited to share with you all that as of a few days ago, Facebook now allows its users to broadcast their live feed in landscape mode. This is a screenshot of my test done in my private Facebook group for those wanting to learn Facebook marketing (crazy video screen saves are my specialty and even though I know how to change them, I don’t mind most of the time).

So hey- If you are used to doing it in portrait mode at least Facebook has upgraded how it looks. No more side bars in black. I like how they muted your screen on the sides. I think this is much better.


But WHY am I so excited about this? Not only because it looks better but because  when you record your videos in landscape mode, it allows you to repurpose them on other platforms (upload from your phone to your youtube channel for instance, or save them for your own course later on, or your blog!

A few tips:

*   Your broadcast will be in whatever direction you start it in so don’t try to move your phone in another direction (portrait vs landscape and vice versa) after you start your broadcast.
*   Check your phone orientation lock prior to going live to be sure you are in the direction you want to be (I unlock my orientation before a broadcast and then turn it back on afterward otherwise my phone drives me crazy with the screen switching back and forth)
*  If you forget to do this, remember you do not have to leave your broadcast on your wall. You can choose NOT to post the video after you complete it.

Another new feature is the “trim” function which allows you to do immediate editing of your live broadcast prior to saving and posting. This will be very useful if you, say, got into a conversation at the end of your broadcast that is not relevant to your topic or a dog barks too much until you got her sorted at the beginning.

To Your Success!
Let’s Do This!


P.S.   If you’re not there already, make sure you connect with me on Facebook where I share business, mindset and success tips and tools. Go to:  https://www.facebook.com/dianna.goodsky