Marketing Tip: Facebook and The 80/20 Rule

Marketing Tip: Facebook Posts..No Spamming, Please and Thank You.

Why are you on Facebook? For most of us, we started out because we wanted to connect with our friends and family. Personally, we opened our account because we were living in Japan and we wanted to connect with our family in the States, and in Spain. It’s kinda funny too, my husband and I actually did a joint account, just in case it was a fad and so that both of us could access it in case we forgot about it. How Wrong We Were On that!

In time, Facebook became so much more that just a social connection tool. From sharing pictures and life events, to people starting emotional affairs over their chat sessions with old high school sweethearts, and even marriages after getting to know a friend better through the connections. And then, the ads started. And then, your friends, and maybe even you, started posting what you were selling. I’m not gonna lie, I did it too-at the beginning.

Now. For me. Facebook is the platform I have chosen to not only have my social and family connections, but to do my business. With over a billion users a day, and the need for me to work, truly, from home, it makes sense. But, I no longer Spam my Friends. Because this is what I learned. There is a way to do business on Facebook, and there is a way to lose friends on Facebook. Watch today’s marketing Tip and you will be able to keep your friends and introduce your friends (or keep them posted)  to what you are doing.

Try this out and let me know how it works for you.

Happy To Help.

Dianna Good Sky-Hertig

Skype – Dianna.GoodSkyHertig