How to use Periscope – And Why!

Periscope!! What is all the buzz with the Periscope Streaming app that is connected to Twitter? For starters, it has grown tremendously since it’s first live stream and has over 10 million users in just 5 months! The bottom line with Periscope online is that you download an app on your phone and begin live video streaming. People from all over the world can, and will, hop on your broadcast and can not only interact via comments but also send you hearts if they like what they are seeing.

It’s live..It’s real..It’s raw…

I have been using this for about a month and besides being so very much fun, it has brought visitors to my website that I didn’t have before. That alone is worth giving it a try.

How can this help you? It will help you build your brand faster. Why? Because this Periscope streaming will allow your viewers to get to know you and it increases the “Know, like and trust” factor so important in building a business.

Another consideration to make, especially right now, is that the number of broadcasters doing scopes (slang already) is very small. YOU can position yourself as a Periscope pioneer and by the time others have started doing first scopes, you will be on the cutting edge and be first to market your product, or do live demos, or share home parties…You see, the potential for business is enormous.

Don’t have a business? How about connecting with others who share your passion for animals? Travel?

Or Cooking? Demonstrating how to cook your favorite recipe from your Grandma?

Or Homeschooling? Can you imagine conducting a class on history and broadcasting straight from a visit to Washington DC?

Thinking outside of the box is what sets us apart and my head is full of ideas for anyone thinking of joining this platform. I got SO excited that I wrote an eBook so that YOU can get started using this incredibly powerful tool.  Once you sign up, you will receive the Periscope eBook, with Bonus material (including a checklist that you can print out and make your first broadcasts easy) and you will have access to my tips to grow your business, and your Periscope Presence in general.

I’m not sure when there will be Periscope advertising, or if they ever will, but I do know this: I have made connections all around the world that I didn’t have BEFORE.

To get your FREE eBook, simply fill out your name and email address to get it immediately via email. Then, let’s have some fun and grow together.

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P.S. My user name is DiannaGoodSky. Feel free to share this post with anyone you know who wants to get started on Periscope. And I thank you so much for your time.